Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship for books and learning materials

Book money for students and printing cost subsidies for doctoral candidates: The Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts provides scholarship funds every year on behalf of the Consul Oskar-Karl Forster Estate.


Up to 500 euros as

  • one-off payment for the purchase of books and other learning materials, or
  • printing cost subsidies for your dissertation.


All those LMU students who can evidence at least average academic performance, are considered needy and are in at least the second semester of studying at a Bavarian university are eligible to apply.

You can demonstrate your participation in a regular degree program by providing copies of certificates, and intermediate examinations (depending on length of study) for example.

"Needy" according to our guidelines, is anyone:

  • who receives benefits under the BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act)
  • who is supported by a person liable for maintenance whose net incomes does not exceed twice the parental allowance pursuant to § 25 BAföG including any child support allowances for all dependent children as well as the applicant.

    Tax allowances monthly:

    - married parents 4,000 euros
    - single parents/permanently separated parents 2,660 euros
    - applicant 605 euro, dependent brothers and sisters each 605 euros.

    For married applicants, proof of income from the spouse and parents is required.

This documentation must be submitted at the latest by the date specified in the grant approval.

LMU doctoral candidates are eligible to apply.

Neediness is considered to exist, if — in the month of the application — the student does not receive a higher current income than the basic amount of the graduate scholarship specified in the Bayerischen Eliteförderungsgesetz (Bavarian Elite Promotion Act) including any income tax allowance according to § 3 para. 3 sentence 2 DV BayEFG which all together amounts to a total of 1,800 euros.

All the details relating to income must be documented (in the case of BAföG grants, a copy of the most recent notification is sufficient).

The grant may not be used for any other purpose. Only in exceptional cases will applicants be considered a second time. Each applicant will receive a written notification.

Applications and deadlines

Please submit the application form (available at the Scholarship Office) with all supporting documents and certificates required.

You can either make a personal delivery to Unit III.4 Scholarships using their mailbox (at the main entrance of the University at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz) or send the documents in the post (date of postmark counts) by the latest: Wednesday, July 23rd 2025.


Corina Schuster

Unit III.4 Scholarships

Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship, Scholarship Office

Send an email

+49 89 2180-5693

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